Corporate Governance, Compliance & Ethics

Establishing and maintaining robust corporate governance practices is essential for PRIME's longterm success. By prioritising strong governance and implementing our Enterprise Risk Management framework and system of internal controls, which is supervised by the Board, the Manager can regularly assess business and operational risks, safeguards the interests of its stakeholders, promote sustainable value creation, minimise potential risks to reputation and enhance investor trust.

PRIME maintains rigorous corporate governance standards, focusing on transparency, accountability and sustainability across all business activities. The Manager's governance policies closely align with the Code of Corporate Governance 2018 issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), ensuring adherence with established standards. Maintaining high standards of business integrity is fundamental to PRIME's reputation as a trusted organisation to conduct business and investment activities with. Compliance failures can be detrimental to the company in many ways, including damage to reputation, loss of license to operate, erosion of trust with stakeholders and increased business costs.

For more information on PRIME's Corporate Governance system, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report on page 57 to 83 of PRIME's 2023 Annual Report.

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