Economic Sustainability

At the core of any business that strives to develop a comprehensive sustainability strategy lies economic sustainability, which is the generation of long-term value for our employees, tenants, communities, investors and other stakeholders while minimising negative impacts on the economy, society and environment. It is achieving economic growth without disregarding the harmful environmental or social trade-offs that historically accompany such growth.

As responsible stewards of capital, PRIME is in the process of proactively integrating more ESG considerations throughout our operations to build resilience, manage risk and strengthen financial performance. Examples include ensuring our buildings have high standards of health and safety, air and water quality, employing technologies for resource efficiency, organising community and tenant engagement programmes and other initiatives which will be covered throughout this report.

PRIME's economic performance is primarily measured using metrics such as distributable income and net property income. We regularly and transparently communicate our financial performance through quarterly key business and operational updates, half-year and full-year results announcements and annual reports. These reporting channels ensure our stakeholders are kept well informed about our financial standing and operational progress.

Tenant engagement and insights gathered from our annual Kingsley survey on tenant satisfaction and feedback are highly important in shaping our operational strategy. We remain committed to continuously evaluating the effectiveness of our action plans through ongoing feedback loops with tenants.

For more information on PRIME's Economic Performance, please refer to the Financial Review section on page 95 of PRIME's 2023 Annual Report.

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